In last week’s email you all got a glimpse of Bucky and Lucky from the farm, with Bucky sporting his signature silly smile. It's hard not to laugh at his infectious grin, isn't it? But let's face it, not all of us have a perpetual grin plastered on our faces all the time, not even Bucky. In fact, what we often display during our daily grind is what's commonly referred to as our "resting face" – the default expression when we're not actively emoting.
Now, while Bucky's resting face may not be cause for concern (he's a donkey, after all), for us humans, it's a different story. Our resting faces and other body language characteristics can inadvertently convey messages we didn't intend, potentially affecting how others perceive us in the workplace.
So, how do we manage this inadvertent resting face to ensure it doesn't unintentionally sabotage our professional relationship and ultimately our career path?
Here are some practical tips:
Be Aware: The first step is recognizing if you have a resting face that might be misinterpreted. Awareness is key to addressing any potential issues.
Conscious Expression: While you shouldn't force a smile constantly, making a conscious effort to soften your facial expressions during interactions can go a long way.
Body Language Matters: Pay attention to your body language as a whole. Positive gestures like maintaining open posture and making eye contact can counteract any unintentional negativity conveyed by your resting face.
Communication is Key: Focus on clear and friendly communication to ensure your intentions are understood. Your tone of voice and choice of words can often override any initial impressions created by facial expressions.
Build Relationships: Invest time in building positive relationships with your colleagues. As they get to know you better, they'll be less likely to misinterpret your resting face.
Seek Feedback: Don't be afraid to ask for feedback from trusted colleagues or supervisors about how this or any other body language comes across. Their insights can be invaluable in making adjustments if necessary.
Inject Some Humor: If appropriate for your workplace culture, humor can be a powerful tool to disarm any tension caused by unintended body language. A well-timed joke or light-hearted comment can break the ice and make interactions more comfortable.
Remember, we all have our own unique facial expressions, and that's perfectly okay. The goal isn't to fake constant cheeriness but rather to ensure that our resting face isn't inadvertently hindering our professional relationships or opportunities for collaboration. So, embrace your natural expression, but also be mindful of how it might be perceived by others in the workplace.
As always, peoplezest looks forward to continuing doing what we love and working with you through executive placements, strategizing services, career counseling and resume needs.