I am often asked what has kept peoplezest going, what has made it successful? One of my top answers is always—relationships.
Relationships can be tricky to navigate though, some are easily formed, others take work. Some need to be nurtured and tended to often and others have enough history that they can sit for a bit without a lot of attention.
Relationships thrive off of teamwork. How would you categorize the relationships within your team? How does your office communication flow look? While it might be ever changing due to change and growth, the foundation of good relationships sets the standard for profound impact.
When we talk to clients and candidates, relationships and teams come up quite often. So, I wanted to share a few insights I have picked up along the way when thinking about those.
Be welcoming: Everyone likes to be acknowledged and feel valued. It can be as simple as making sure anytime a meeting is starting that there are verbal and nonverbal cues to let your team know you are happy they are there. A simple friendly hello or nod with a smile.
Actively listen: Let your team be heard in ways they are most comfortable. Some people shine in speaking out and others are better one-on-one or in writing. Recognize each team member's strengths and meet them there. It is amazing the insight to be gained with the right type of listening.
Flexibility: While this may not always be possible for every deliverable, a flexible work environment creates a happy team. Some individuals may want or need weekly in-person chats while others are better with more project management style check-ins. People have different work styles and as long as jobs are getting done and deadlines being met, find what works best for each individual and let productivity shine.
Relationship managing and team-building is not always easy and takes time, but everyone wins when the work to strive to be better is put in.
Peoplezest looks forward to continuing to grow our relationship and work with you through executive placements, strategizing services, career counseling and resume needs.